Oder out for Chinese dinner, but make your own fortune cookies. Make the cookies before dinner so that after eating your meal you can have a fun cookie that you and your honey made.
Date night is when my husband and I go on a date. We are following counsel given to us by our church leadership. We are Latter Day Saints and our church leaders have counseled all married couples to set a side one night to go out on a date.
This blog is the dates my husband and I have gone and will go on together. If you have any good date ideas please post them, we would love to hear from you.
Check out my blog called Building Strong Marriages there's a great article about the advantages of dating your spouse.
I give seminars/worshops about Self Defense. Seminars go through prevention,
de-acceleration of a situation, and basic physical moves that any woman can do, ages 10-100 years old. To arrange a seminar at your place of business or organinzation email me at hearmeroarworkhops@gmail.com or call (716)444-6450
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